Ανθηδώνα, Εύβοιας anthidon@gmail.com
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The usual way to distil olive oil

The usual way to distil olive oil {noPicture}

Olive oil due to its unique organoleptic and nutritional properties, together with its production costs, has a higher price than most other vegetable fats.

The usual way to distil olive oil, for speculative purposes, is to mix or replace the olive oil with a seed of lower nutritional value and price, with added pigments. This falsification can only be proven with laboratory tests. Because the smell and taste of olive oil is characteristic and recognizable by most Greeks, it can cast doubt on the consumer, while its color is not a safe way to detect fraud.

The olive oils / pomace oils intended for retail sale may be packaged in packages of a maximum capacity of five liters, provided with a system destroyed after first opening.

In case consumers are suspected due to inadequate labeling, tempting price or organoleptic characteristics of olive oil, they are invited to contact EFET. on the phone 11717.
