Ανθηδώνα, Εύβοιας anthidon@gmail.com
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Olive oil qualities

Olive oil qualities {noPicture}

Olive oil obtained from ripe olives after being first purified and separated from the kernels is called virgin. Extra virgin olive oil is distinguished by its acidity in: Extra virgin olive oil (acidity <0.8% per 100 g), Extra virgin olive oil (acidity <1.5% per 100 g) Virgin olive oil (acidity <2.0 % per 100 g)


Acidity is the most important criterion for the quality evaluation of olive oil and it is this that determines its commercial value. Its degree of acidity indicates the oleic acid content of the product. The way of harvesting, storing and crushing can greatly affect the final acidity of the olive oil. The role of quality olive oil in taste and health is crucial. It is the main source of fat in the Mediterranean diet. That is why the consumer needs to be able to distinguish between different quality types and make his choices accordingly.

Apart from virgin olive oil there are two other categories of olive oil, refined and olive oil. Refined or refined results from degraded (non-edible olive oils) following various physicochemical methods. These degraded olive oils can often come from multifunctional and multi-cooked olives that have used restaurants and taverns that have been heavily oxidized.

Oxidizing products in large quantities can affect the liver, heart and arteries and are also considered carcinogenic. In addition, more oxidation leads to the formation of acrolein, a component believed to affect the central nervous system and cause swelling and injury to the liver cells or to cause various allergic reactions in the body. They may also come from expired olive oil stores and industries. Lastly, consumers should be aware that refined olive oil is widely used in fried restaurants because of its low price. Olive oil (formerly Coupe) is a blend of refined and virgin in an unspecified proportion. We find it on supermarket shelves and several times in bulk olive oil sold by street vendors.


In general, the consumer should pay attention when buying oil:
  It has a pleasant smell and taste, that is to say the fruity aroma of fresh olive.
  It should be clear, transparent and free of dust. Of course an oil can be cloudy when freshly produced, but that cannot happen when it is on the shelves. 
  Consumers are advised to avoid buying oil from street vendors, which is banned but unfortunately observed, especially in the Greek province, as it may be distorted.
The secret of the Cretan longevity
The famous study of the seven countries, commissioned by Angel Keys, when published revealed that the Cretan health was the best in the world. Cancer and cardiovascular disease were rare, with deaths per 100,000 people in Crete being only 9 against 466 in Finland. And this proved to be due to the diet of the Cretans, whose main ingredient is olive oil.