Ανθηδώνα, Εύβοιας anthidon@gmail.com
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Olive oil available for retail sale

Olive oil available for retail sale {noPicture}

The categories of olive oil that can be marketed are:
 A. Virgin olive oils obtained by olive oil only by mechanical or other natural methods. The virgin olive oils are classified into extra virgin olive oil and virgin olive oil. Extra virgin olive oil is the best quality as it contains up to 0.8% oleic acid.
 B. Olive oil - consisting of refined and virgin olive oils, obtained by blending refined olive oil and virgin olive oils.
 C. Pomace oil obtained by blending refined olive oil and virgin olive oils.
All we have to do is hold the oil in our mouth for a few minutes. We will need cold pressed olive oil.

Each package of olive oil must bear the following particulars on its label:
1. The name of sale of the olive oil category together with the "information for the relevant category":
  a) extra virgin olive oil / "superior olive oil produced directly from olives solely by mechanical methods",
  b) virgin olive oil / "olive oil produced directly from olives solely by mechanical means",
  c) olive oil - consisting of refined olives and virgin olives / "oil containing exclusively refined olive oils and oils produced directly from olives",
  d) olive-pomace oil / "oil containing exclusively oils derived from processing of the product obtained after olive oil extraction and oils obtained directly from olives" or "oil containing exclusively oils derived from the processing of olive kernels and oils produced directly from olives ".
2. The determination of origin. This indication is given only for "extra virgin olive oil" and "virgin olive oil". For the categories "olive oil - consisting of refined olive oils and virgin olive oils" and "olive - pomace oil" the designation of origin shall not be indicated on the label.
3. The net amount of olive oil or kernel oil expressed in volume units (eg 1 liter, 5 liters).
4. The date of minimum shelf life of the product.
5. The storage conditions of the product.
6. The nutrition statement.
7. The name or trade name and address of the manufacturer or packer or a seller established within the European Union.
8. The alphanumeric code of an approved olive oil standardization and packaging unit which is characteristic of the unit and is as follows: EN - 40 - _ _ _
The purchase of olive oil from street and anonymous sellers should be avoided.